?> Evaluation of Correlations between Natural and Organizational-Production Factors in Bulgarian Agriculture

Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (GARJAS) ISSN: 2315-5094
February 2018 Vol. 7(2): pp. 046-052
Copyright © 2018 Global Advanced Research Journals


Full Length Research Paper

Evaluation of Correlations between Natural and Organizational-Production Factors in Bulgarian Agriculture 

S. Todorova, E. Rancheva, N. Bencheva


Agricultural University of Plovdiv

*Corresponding Author's Email: stelatodorova_au@hotmail.com

Accepted 15 February, 2018



The article evaluates the regional differences in the interaction between natural and production organization factors in Bulgarian agriculture. The analysis ranged over the South Central Region and the whole country in the period 2007-2013. The indicators for the South Central Region were compared with the average indicators for Bulgaria, which played the role of a reference system. In addition to the descriptive statistics, GIS was also used to outline the specific soil and climatic areas that were to be examined. Based on this, the Index of Agro-environmental Potential (ISAP) was estimated both for the region and the country. A methodology based on specialized software was specifically designed for this purpose by regions and the country as a whole. The conducted study showed that the interaction direction and strength between the natural and production organization factors differed for the South Central Region and the country as a whole. The observed national trends and interdependencies of the examined factors do not always correctly reflect the scale and change effect in one region and the country, respectively. Due to the multifactorial determinants of agricultural production (natural and organizational-production), the effects of their impact on the region and the country differed. The latter was proved by the realization of different models of agricultural production, characterized with different levels of organization and intensity. The analysis showed the necessity of principle change - from sectoral to territorial, i.e. regionalization of the national agricultural policy. This approach should contribute to tool change for achieveing the policy objectives - moving away from subsidies to investment.

Keywords: natural factors; factors of production organization; regional differences; agri-environmental potential; regionalization; agricultural policy.





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