Global Advanced Research Journal of Peace, Gender and Development Studies

GARJPGDS | Table of Contents for November, 2012, Volume: 1, Issue: 2

Ambitious but constrained: An exploration of the plight of the Zimbabwean girl child towards gender sensitivity as a 21st century pedagogical imperative for education

Mutekwe E, Zikhali J

Page: 42 - 55

Glo. Adv. Res. J. Peace. Gend. Dev. Stud. November 2012 vol. 1(2)

Original Research Article

Risk, uncertainty and decision-making. An empirical test of Irving fisher’s theory of interest

Buchenrieder G, Balgah RA

Page: 33 - 41

Glo. Adv. Res. J. Peace. Gend. Dev. Stud. November 2012 vol. 1(2)

Original Research Article