Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences ISI: 1.185

Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (GARJMMS) ISSN: 2315-5159
March 2021, Vol. 10(1), pp. 001-010
Copyright © 2021 Global Advanced Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Outcome of acute heart failure hospitalizations and its associates in a teaching hospital in Makurdi, North Central Nigeria

Ihunanya Chinyere Okpara1*, Tsavyange Peter Mbaave1, Doofan Ortese Ayatse2, Terhile Igbah2

1Department of Medicine, P.M.B. 102119, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria.
2Department of Internal Medicine, P.M.B. 102131, Benue State University Teaching Hospital Makurdi, Nigeria.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:; Phone: 08037067040

Accepted 01 April, 2021 


Heart failure is the end stage of most heart diseases affecting millions of people worldwide with high mortality rate and enormous financial burden. This economic burden is largely attributed to high rates of short term and frequent hospitalization. The aim of our study is to determine the associates of inhospital mortality and short term rehospitalisation in our centre. This was a hospital based retrospective cohort study. The case records of patients admitted for acute heart failure at the medical wards of Benue State University teaching Hospital Makurdi were used to obtain demographic, clinical, laboratory and electrocardiographic records. Echocardiographic records were obtained from case notes and echo records. Inhospital mortality and rehospitalisation records were obtained from case notes. Pearson chi-square was used to determine the associates of the outcome. There were 76 subjects with 44(57.9%) males and 32(42.1%) females. The mean age of the population was 52.37±13.46 years. The inhospital mortality rate was 7.9% while the short term rehospitalisation rate was 17.1%. There were significant associations between inhospital mortality and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (χ2 = 6.877; p = 0.009) and anaemia (χ2 = 7.717; p = 0.005). There was significant association between age and short term rehospitalisation (χ2 = 4.141; p = 0.042). The inhospital mortality rate obtained in our study is comparable to other African studies. Close attention should be paid to patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, anaemia, elderly patients and treatment of comorbidities in the management of heart failure.

Keywords: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, anaemia, inhospital mortality, rehospitalisation.



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