Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies Impact Factor (ISI) 1.171

Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (ISSN: 2315-5086) ISSN: 2315-5159
January 2023, Vol. 12(1), pp. 001-017
Copyright © 2023 Global Advanced Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An integrated study on the relationship between Benefits Realization Management (BRM) and the National Transformation Program (NTP) in the light of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030

Waleed Akhtar M Sultan

Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, MOMRAH


Accepted 11 January, 2023 


The Kingdom's Vision 2030 program entered its next phase in 2021 with the National Transformation Program, which included 7 themes and 34 strategic objectives. This research examines the benefits realization management and national transformation programs in Saudi Arabia in the context of the Vision 2030 strategy. The research problem was to investigate how BRM is being realized in the implementation phase of the National Transformation Program (NTP) in order to identify challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation. There is a lack of studies linked between Benefits Realization Management (BRM) and the National Transformation Programs (NTP) in light of Saudi Arabia's Vision. In addition, most of the literature available on the subject of BRM is centred on corporate environments such as IT or development projects in manufacturing or telecom sectors. To reach the desired Benefits Realization Management (BRM), precise, unambiguous objectives must be established, and precise performance indicators to monitor the outcomes and measure the benefits. The National Transformation Program has precise objectives and key performance indicators for each of its seven themes. The researcher evaluates pertinent reports and studies to observe the benefits that have been achieved. The results of the seven themes developed by NTP indicate substantial realized benefits through applying big numbers of initiatives during 2023. The NTP achieved many benefits through the actual implementation of numerous initiatives during the period 2021 to 2025. Indeed, until January 2023, it has gained considerable achievements in the seven themes identified in the National Transformation Program and has introduced several initiatives that will be implemented in the coming period. This integrated approach is expected to lead to better outcomes and enhanced efficiency, especially where programs are coordinated across departments and agencies. The BRM process will continue to help the authorities implement the National Transformation Program effectively.

Keywords: (BRM) Benefits realization management - (NTP) National Transformation Program - (KPIs) Key Performance Indicators. (NAGIZ) judicial services platform- (ETHRAI) Training platform- (WAQFY) donations platform- (QURRAH) childcare services platform - (MOWAAMAH) Programs provide appropriate working conditions for individuals with disabilities



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