Global Advanced Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology

Aim and Scope:


Global Advanced Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology (GARJEST) ISSN: 2315-5140 is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with reputable academics and experts as members of its Editorial Board.


GARJEST is designed for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed articles in all areas of the subject. The journal articles will be accessed freely online. It covers from Environmental science, Aquatic toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Entomotoxicology, Environmental toxicology, Forensic toxicology, In vitro toxicology, Toxicogenomics, Poison, Venom, Toxicant (Toxin), Acute toxicity, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Fixed Dose Procedure, Median lethal dose (LD50), Lethal dose · Toxic capacity, Toxicity Class, Antidote, Gastric lavage, Activated carbon, Cathartic, Hemodialysis, Chelation therapy, Hemoperfusion, Bradford, Minamata, Poisonings, Hazard symbol, Carcinogen, Mutagen, Biological warfare, Food safety etc.